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1015 Volunteer Blvd, Knoxville TN

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Many times, instructors fear that designing a neurodiversity-inclusive classroom is far too difficult and may even detract from the learning of neurotypical students. In fact, the opposite is often true: if we take the time to look carefully at our own practices, accommodating the needs of students with autism, ADHD, and other neurodivergent conditions can make learning better for all students.
 This workshop will introduce attendees to the concept of "executive functioning" (EF), an important category of cognitive processes involved in performing tasks that often need extra support in not just neurodivergent learners but neurotypical learners as well. We will then explore how EF issues often present in our students regardless of their neurotype. Using guidelines following Universal Design in Learning principles, attendees will collaborate to identify simple opportunities to change their teaching practices that support the executive functioning of every student, including those who learn differently.   

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  • Reza, Sompa
  • Jodoin, Vinny

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