Monday, November 16, 2020 12pm to 1pm
About this Event
The Evolution of the UT–Oak Ridge Partnership
Dr. Lee Riedinger served as a part of the UT faculty from 1971 to his retirement in 2019. Dr. Riedinger's field of research is specifically in nuclear physics. Starting in 1988, Dr. Riedinger served as the Director of the UT Science Alliance Center of Excellence, a program devoted to building joint research between UT and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
In 1940, Oak Ridge did not exist and UT had no PhD programs. Much has changed in the last 80 years as UT and the federal facilities in Oak Ridge have grown enormously and, in many examples, jointly. The UT partnership with Oak Ridge National Laboratory is unique in the country, and now UT-Battelle LLC operates the laboratory.
Dr. Lee Riedinger, former Director of the UT Science Alliance Center of Excellence, UT staff member 1971-2019