About this Event
302B Midland Street
https://tennessee.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkde2vpjwiHtREE7ndByW58D2BpHLWzQP6These are the registration links to attend the Zoom Dicamba Trainings offered March 7, 8, 15, and 16 at 8:30 am and 1:30 pm each of those days. You need only to register and attend one training time for your certificate. The video is about 45 minutes long and the certification is required annually. The cost is $25 per person. You can watch from a smart phone, tablet or computer OR have the option to call in from a phone. YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER FOR THESE TRAININGS. You must have an email for zoom to send you the link to join the meeting. After you register, zoom will send you an email with the link that you click to join on the day and time of the training you registered for.
You can register from a smart phone, tablet or computer. Please register ahead of time so you will have the link handy. Please let me know if you have any questions. Payment can be sent to UT Extension, 302 B. Midland St. Somerville, TN 38068. You will receive your certificate after we receive your payment.
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