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1015 Volunteer Blvd, Knoxville TN

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Dr. Deirdre Cooper Owens offers a new interpretation of Harriet Tubman’s life and activism that centers her disability as inextricable to her work as a political activist and philanthropist. What might an emergent scholarship that is both intellectual, political, and medical look like if scholars interrogated how slavery--a disabling device--created disabilities for so many of those who labored under the system but also emerged from it? Cooper Owens argues that Tubman relied on what she terms, "fugitive logic." Ultimately, it is through an examination of this logic that Cooper Owens historicizes how Tubman’s disability and enslavement influenced both her freedom and political activism.

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  • Ortiz Baco, Joshua Gabriel
  • Osho, Matilene Victoria
  • (She/Her)

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