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1715 Volunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37996
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Initiated by the Ewing’s Director Emeritus Sam Yates over 30 years ago, the Honors Exhibition recognizes outstanding students graduating from The University of Tennessee’s School of Art and College of Architecture and Design. Selected by a School of Art Faculty Scholarship committee, six art students were chosen for this year’s exhibition.

These students are:
Joss Kitts
Hei Park
Colleen Hefferen
Somerset Alley

The College of Architecture and Design participants were selected by the faculty-at-large, and by outside review teams.

These students are:
Autumn Hanks
Rose Crawford
Ella Larkin
Anna-Leise Bradbury
Shelby Parsons
Lily Prabhaker
Ellen Fonseca
Brandi Sherbert
Emma Tillis
Jaiden Kasaval
JD Zimmerman
Marti Roca Busacker

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