About this Event
1502 Cumberland Ave. Knoxville, TN 37996
https://utk.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5mUoP3WMJ9Q9hIOTo kick off Veterans Success Week, UT staff are invited to participate in Military Cultural Competency “Green Zone” Training hosted by Thomas Cruise and the Veterans Success Center!
Green Zone aims to educate the campus community about student veterans, their unique strengths and opportunities, and the services available to them. The training is best designed for UTK faculty, advising, or any student facing office, particularly, those who support, or are interested in, the student-veteran population and want to learn more about their experiences and how to best create a military friendly campus.
Those who attend will be given a cultural understanding about military experiences affecting Veteran students, gain insight into the unique challenges Student Veterans/Service Members (SVSM) face through their transition from military service to higher education, and understand more about how UTK staff can actively support Veterans.
Food and beverages will be provided. Please RSVP here!