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Michael Meranze, professor of history at UCLA, will discuss a reimagining of the university at a time when the pandemic seems to be pushing universities further into the STEM fields. We need to renew the university in a way that will incorporate the knowledge produced in the humanistic disciplines, fields that can address the fundamental reordering of society in this age of pandemic and crisis. As we move forward, architects and urban planners, historians and sociologists, literary scholars and creative artists will be essential in imagining a future that, rooted in knowledge of society and culture, can not only repair the university but overcome the contradictions of late capitalism.

Meranze is a Professor of History at the University of California, Los Angeles.  He is the co-editor (with Christopher Newfield) of Remaking the University and the author of a range of articles on the history of Higher Education.  He is the Immediate Past Chair of the UCLA Division of the Academic Senate and a member of AAUP’s Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure.

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