General Information:
Divisions: Men's League, Women's League, and Coed League
Playing Location: TRECS Building and HPER Building
Format: 5 on 5 (Coed Play 3 Males/2 Females or 2 Males/3 Females)
Play Begins: Week of Jan 27th
Restrictions: Individuals are allowed to play on 2 teams (1 Coed team & 1 Men's or Women's team)
You may sign up your team(s) online at or by emailing us at (include your team name, bracket, & phone number).
Registration closes on Tuesday, January 22nd at NOON so make sure to get your team(s) signed up; only the captain must be signed up by this deadline...teammates can add to the roster later.
FREE AGENTS: Don't have a team? No worries, sign up on the free agent list at or just send us an email at and we will work to find you a team.