About this Event
1015 Volunteer Blvd, Knoxville TN
Join us for the UT Libraries Love Data Week! This event will allow students, faculty, and staff from all fields to learn more about how their work intersects with data and how they can prepare to use data in their own projects. This event will be accompanied by a tabling event occurring at the same time at Pendergrass Library.
The event will feature a data organization fair with participants from on and off campus for attendees to learn more about how they can incorporate data into their own research no matter their field while enjoying a slice of cake!
Throughout the week we encourage everyone to stop in for data related activities including grab-and-go coloring sheets, word searches, and crossswords as well as handouts about getting started with data services from UT Libraries and valentines candy! Additionally, data related workshops will be held for attendees who want a deeper dive into some data topics.
Love Data Week: February 12th-16th
Organization fair: Tuesday, February 13th from 10am - 1pm
Finding Social Science Data for Research with Brianne Dosch on February 12th at 2:30PM EST
Registration: https://tennessee.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMscOyqqjIiG9MMm6_zPAm0a5MX1_8-hltc
Evaluating Datasets for Research with Sidney Gavel on February 13th at 3:00PM EST
Registration: https://tennessee.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwsfuuuqT4tGNZtBOnPWP_r235Mz7PjHkmi