About this Event
901 S Illinois Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
https://utarboretumsociety.org/rsvpmaker/new-years-day-hike/ #outsideDo you get overloaded on football, food and festivities? The UT Arboretum Society is offering a great alternative: start out the year on the “right foot” by joining our New Year’s Hike at the UT Arboretum, 901 S. Illinois Avenue in Oak Ridge, on Sunday, January 1, 2023. Please follow the signs for parking up to the auditorium.
We will gather at 9am at the UT Arboretum Auditorium where you will be greeted by fellow hikers and offered coffee, hot chocolate and snacks. At 9:30 am the group will leave for a guided hike that will last about 45 minutes. The hike will follow a forest trail and will visit the Elmore Holly Collection.
We aim for this hike to be suitable for all fitness levels. Please wear clothing and shoes/boots appropriate for the weather and outdoor walkiing. No pets please due to our research projects on site.
This is a free program offered by the University of Tennessee Arboretum Society. No registration is required. For more information contact mcampani@utk.edu.
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