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Being so close to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, it seems we have a fascination with all things bears. Join us for this in-person program at the UT Arboretum Auditorium on Tuesday, March 21, at 7pm. Eastern Time for an educational presentation about the American black bear by renowned photographer Chris Norcott. This free program is a crowd favorite, but seating is limited. Please RSVP in advance with the total number in your party.  The UT Arboretum is located at 901 S. Illinois Avenue in Oak Ridge.

Norcott has spent more than a decade observing and studying black bears in the wilds of the Great Smoky Mountains. Over the past few years, he has been filming black bears for production companies and networks to be shown on wildlife documentaries. He currently has a video on Netflix and will soon have his work featured on the Discovery Network and NBC. He spends much of each year hiking off trail in the backcountry observing the wild and secretive lives of black bears. He photographs the bears’ rarely seen habitat and documents the behaviors of these beautiful animals. Norcott will be showing his images and sharing stories of their family relationships and survival in the wilderness. We are thrilled to have Chris back with us at the UT Arboretum!

Contact Michelle Campanis,, University of Tennessee Arboretum Education Coordinator, with questions. or registration issues.

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