Wednesday, March 22, 2023 2pm to 3:30pm
About this Event
View mapHave you felt uncomfortable in conflict? Feel like you want to lash out or avoid the situation altogether? Most people would say yes, and that is absolutely normal. Did you know that not all conflicts lead to destructive outcomes? Instead, many conflicts—when managed well—can lead you and others to growth, innovation, and improvement.
This workshop is designed to enhance your personal ability to navigate conflict. You will learn about both helpful and unhelpful behaviors in conflict as well specific “hot buttons” that tend to draw out unhelpful behaviors. This 90-minute workshop provides both in-depth information as well as an interactive debriefing of participants' individual evaluation of their behaviors in conflict.
Registration Required - Deadline 3/15/2023
Two weeks prior to the In-person workshop date, you will receive an email invitation to take the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) survey. Completion of this 20-25 minute online survey will be due one week before the workshop. (You will receive your results during the session).