About this Event
1741 Volunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37996
Guest artist recital; Xiaofeng Wu's piano performances in the US and Europe have been highly recognized by music critics, numerous publications including ABC, Yahoo, Radio Clasica, Pravda, Politica, OpusMusica, El Mundo, and many others. Back to his motherland, China, along with his public appearance at the POLY Theatre series, Shanghai Concert Hall, Jiangsu Centre of the Performing Arts, Hongkong Great Hall, among others, Xiaofeng Wu has been recognized as one of the most reputable pianists of his generation. Wu's UT debut will feature Schubert's four impromptus, Op. 90, Barbers Excursions, and Scriabins Sonata No. 3 and 4.
Performers reserve the right to change their program without notice. Not all programs are determined prior to the performance. To view programs that have been set, click here.
All events are subject to change. For updates or cancellations, check the School of Music concert line at 865-974-5678 the day of the event.